Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The GOOD fight

On the defeat of the anti-discrimination bill in Olympia, Cammermeyer says we need to learn from the experience and figure out to how to succeed next time. She says, "I continue to wonder how I can do more." She believes, "First, you live your truth. And you do that with dignity, with grace, and with visibility. Then you're active in your community," whether that's the gay community, your workplace, or any other sort. As you live your truth, she feels, the misconceptions others have of you because you're gay, or former military, or a Democrat, weaken.

As long as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" exists and people can't serve openly, and as long as gays and lesbians in the state of Washington can be fired from their jobs simply because of their orientation, Cammermeyer has a mission. "Until that changes, those are the issues that I will be speaking out on behalf of," she says.
~Dr. Grethe Cammermeyer RN, PhD

This morning I watch 'Serving in Silence', starring Glenn Close. This movie is based on true coming out story of Col. Grethe Cammermeyer. It's worth seeing-
At least take a look at her website: http://www.cammermeyer.com

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