Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Winter Anomaly

I met her one snow covered day.
It was the feeling of depth.
Hidden away from all that was in the way.
Games were the beginning of the way we sway.

Time collapsed.
Everything began to burn.
Dreams shattered turning to sap.
The the winter sang, "dreamers have a turn."

Harvest was upon us and words began to fly.
Emotion seeped deep.
Deny her.
Deny her.

Winter snow blew us,
upon the wounded table.
Tears, fears, trust.
Guards marched; fight who they're able.

Mending the story for a happy ending.
Growing green house dreams.
O' what went wrong?
An ally, not so much, a movie's Scream.

Winter came with much wonder.
Begging for a time warp.
Feelings of familiar ponder.
Silence...and done?

A view worth a thousand lies.
Questions blaze...
Emotions halt the dreary tie.
Stricken with the truth.
Finger nails stripping the chalk ridden board.

Can't seem to let you go.
Haunting years.
Please, please I beg you to sew,
our summoned fears.

Let it be,
a future awaits we.

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